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IAHR 2025


Submitting a PhD student workshop proposal

As we have received queries regarding the possibility of organizing workshops for PhD students during IAHR 2025, we now invite you to submit PhD workshop proposals through the IAHR submission system.

As we are planning for a large number of sessions, meetings, and extracurricular events, we are not able to propose a separate workshop format.
However, we would like to encourage scholars interested in hosting PhD workshops to submit their proposals as roundtables. Please refer to the general guidelines for roundtable submissions, keeping in mind the following amendments:

  1. Please indicate in the proposal’s title that it is intended as a PhD student workshop.
  2. Please note that you do not need to include a “complete list of participants” in the description – the names and affiliation of workshop hosts will suffice.
  3. Please include in description an e-mail address, to which PhD students should direct their applications (the applications will be handled directly by workshop hosts).
  4. A workshop may last 180 minutes (with a 30-minute break in the middle), i.e. the equivalent of two regular sessions.
    Please note that workshop proposals will undergo standard review.

Once the workshop proposals are reviewed (around the 5th of January 2025), we will publish a list of available workshops. The PhD students will be asked to apply to the workshops of their choice until the 1st of March 2025, by contacting the workshop hosts directly. We will ask the workshop hosts to review the applications and provide the Congress secretaries with a full list of accepted student participants by the 1st of April 2025.

Please note: If you would like to submit both a PhD workshop and a closed panel or a roundtable, it is best to make an arrangement with a colleague you will be co-hosting or co-presenting with. One of you may submit the workshop proposal, while the other may submit a standard closed panel or roundtable proposal.